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Advanced Installer (AS-ADVI)

During this hands-on training you will learn to use the Advanced Installer tool from a practical viewpoint. The course materials and assignments are based on real life experiences. This will give you the skills and knowledge to use Advanced Installer for your packaging challenges and apply it in your own organization!

This Instructor led training will be delivered by a skilled trainer with advanced packaging knowledge. So if you really want to learn how to package, test and deliver your packages to your end-users then learn from the best!

Course Objectives

The content of this training includes all basic and advanced topics that allow you to directly use all the Advanced Installer functionality for your packaging challenges right away. You will learn things like:

  • Setting up a packaging environment based on industry best practices:
  • Configuring your development and testing systems
  • Prepare your environment using a project based approach
  • Creating application documentation for the application migration process
  • How a Windows Installer database (MSI) is constructed and how mechanisms like Self-Healing and Self-Repair work
  • Using Advanced Installer and it’s various tools and features
  • Authoring MSI’s, creating Transforms, Updates and Patches, using custom actions and more
  • Creating virtual applications for use with Microsoft App-V
  • Gain insight into the testing aspects like ICE Validation and technical testing under standard user accounts.
  • Deployment options for packages and SCCM Integration
  • And more...

Bij alle packaging trainingen (code start met AS-) wordt gebruik gemaakt van eBooks. Deze eBooks zijn uitsluitend tijdens de training beschikbaar, en worden achteraf niet digitaal aan de cursisten meegegeven.
Omdat er in uitzonderlijke gevallen expliciet behoefte is aan drukwerk kunnen wij deze service op aanvraag bieden: Een gepersonaliseerde full-colour manual van de lesmaterialen op A4 formaat tegen een meerprijs van € 199,00.
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Advanced Installer

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