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Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation Core Network Services (SPCORE) (CI-SPCORE)

The Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation Core Network Services (SPCORE) v1.0 course is designed to help students prepare for Cisco CCNP® Service Provider certification. This course is a component of the CCNP SP curriculum.
The course introduces the concepts of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and describes its implementation It explains the MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS TE) services built on the MPLS technology. MPLS is a high-performance method for forwarding packets through a network and enables routers at the edge of a network to apply simple labels to packets. This practice allows the core devices—ATM switches or existing routers in the center of the service provider core—to switch packets according to labels, with minimal lookup overhead. The course also enables learners to use the technology principles of basic quality of service (QoS), and QoS with MPLS, to implement advanced features and functions. The focus of the course is on the technology issues of MPLS and on best practices for implementing QoS from the service provider perspective, as well as how to configure some of those features and functions in an existing routed environment.
The course also includes classroom activities with remote labs that are useful to gain practical skills on deploying Cisco IOS, IOS XE, and IOS XR features to operate and support the service provider network.

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:
  • Describe the features of MPLS, and how MPLS labels are assigned and distributed
  • Discuss the requirement for traffic engineering in modern networks that must attain optimal resource utilization
  • Introduce the concept of QoS and explain the need to implement QoS
  • Classify and mark network traffic to implement an administrative policy requiring QoS
  • Introduce different Cisco QoS queuing mechanisms used to manage network congestion
  • Introduce the concept of traffic policing and shaping, including token bucket, dual token bucket, and dual-rate policing
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Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation Core Network Services (SPCORE)

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