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Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) (CI-IINS)

Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) focuses on the design, implementation, and monitoring of a comprehensive security policy, using Cisco IOS security features and technologies as examples. The course covers security controls of Cisco IOS devices as well as a functional introduction to the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA). This course allows learners to perform basic tasks to secure a small branch office network using Cisco IOS security features available through web-based GUIs (Cisco Configuration Professional) and the CLI on Cisco routers, switches, and ASAs.

Notable differences between IINS v2.0 and v3.0
There are several notable changes in this newly updated course. Cisco Configuration Professional is not covered in IINS 3.0. All IOS examples are hands-on and done using IOS CLI. IPv6 is not covered in IINS 3.0. IPv6 is now covered in ICND1. The implementation of IPS on IOS is not covered in IINS 3.0, instead IPS is covered on the theoretical level from the perspective of FirePower technologies. Site-to-Site VPN configuration is covered on both IOS and the Cisco ASA in IINS 3.0. Also, modern malware examples are included in this course and cryptographic techniques use stronger hashing and encryption algorithms, and current version of IOS, Cisco ASA and Cisco AnyConnect are featured.
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Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS)

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