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Microsoft Azure IoT Developer (AZ-220)

This course provides students with the skills and knowledge required to successfully create and maintain the cloud and edge portions of an Azure IoT solution. The course includes full coverage of the core Azure IoT services such as IoT Hub, Device Provisioning Services, Azure Stream Analytics, Time Series Insights, and more. In addition to the focus on Azure PaaS services, the course includes sections on IoT Edge, device management, monitoring and troubleshooting, security concerns, and Azure IoT Central.

After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Create, configure, and manage an Azure IoT hub.
  • Provision devices by using IoT Hub and DPS, including provisioning at scale.
  • Establish secure 2-way communication between devices and IoT Hub.
  • Implement message processing by using IoT Hub routing and Azure Stream Analytics.
  • Configure the connection to Time Series Insights and support business integration requirements.
  • Implement IoT Edge scenarios using marketplace modules and various edge gateway patterns.
  • Implement IoT Edge scenarios that require developing and deploying custom modules and containers.
  • Implement device management using device twins and direct methods.
  • Implement solution monitoring, logging, and diagnostics testing.
  • Recognize and address security concerns and implement Azure Security Center for IoT.
  • Build an IoT Solution by using Azure IoT Central and recongize SaaS opportunities for IoT.
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