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Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365 Use Cases (MS-4004)

This one-day course is composed of two parts - Getting started with Copilot for Microsoft 365 and Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365 Use Cases.

The first part of the course introduces you to Copilot for Microsoft 365, examines how you can use Copilot throughout the various Microsoft 365 apps, explores best practices for using Copilot and building effective prompts, and examines how you can extend Copilot with plugins and Graph connectors.

The second part of this training content is really the heart of this course. Students perform a series of hands-on exercises involving seven Use Cases - Executives, Sales, Marketing, Finance, IT, HR, and Operations. These exercises focus on using Copilot in various Microsoft 365 apps (such as Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and so on) to complete a series of common business-related tasks pertaining to each Use Case.

To complete the Use Case exercises in this course, each student must have access to a Microsoft 365 subscription (BYOS) in which they're licensed to use Copilot for Microsoft 365. Each student must also have a Microsoft OneDrive account, since Copilot requires OneDrive to complete the file sharing tasks used throughout the Use Case exercises.
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Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365 Use Cases

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