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Administering Windows Server 2012 (20411)

Course Description
This course is part two in a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment.

The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure such as configuring and troubleshooting name resolution, user and group management with Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Group Policy, implementing Remote Access solutions such as DirectAccess, VPNs and Web Application Proxy, implementing Network Policies and Network Access Protection, Data Security, deployment and maintenance of server images, as well as update management and monitoring of Windows Server 2012 environments.
This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 411: Administering Windows Server 2012, which is the second of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential.

At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
· Implementing a Group Policy Infrastructure
· Managing User Desktops with Group Policy
· Managing User and Service Accounts
· Maintaining Active Directory Domain Services
· Configuring and Troubleshooting DNS
· Configuring and Troubleshooting Remote Access
· Installing, Configuring, and Troubleshooting the Network Policy Server role
· Implementing Network Access Protection
· Optimizing File Services
· Configuring Encryption and Advanced Auditing
· Monitoring Windows Server 2012
· Deploying and Maintaining Server Images
· Implementing Update Management
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Administering Windows Server 2012

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