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VMware vSphere 8 Install, Configure & Manage (VM-VICM8)

This course features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 8, which includes VMware ESXi™ 8 and VMware vCenter® 8. This course prepares you to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size.
This course is the foundation for most VMware technologies in the software-defined data center.
Product Alignment
  • VMware ESXi 8.0
  • VMware vCenter 8.0

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
  • Install and configure ESXi hosts
  • Deploy and configure vCenter
  • Use the vSphere Client to create the vCenter inventory and assign roles to vCenter users
  • Create virtual networks using vSphere standard switches and distributed switches
  • Create and configure datastores using storage technologies supported by vSphere
  • Use the vSphere® Client™ to create virtual machines, templates, clones, and snapshots
  • Create content libraries for managing templates and deploying virtual machines
  • Manage virtual machine resource allocation
  • Migrate virtual machines with VMware vSphere® vMotion® and VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®
  • Create and configure a vSphere cluster that is enabled with VMware vSphere® High Availability and VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™
  • Manage the life cycle of vSphere to keep vCenter, ESXi hosts, and virtual machines up to date
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VMware vSphere 8 Install, Configure & Manage

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