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CCNA Bootcamp (CCNABC) v2.0 (CI-CCNABC)

The CCNA Bootcamp is an intensive, concentrated course consisting of ICND1 and ICND2 content in its entirety, but with the content merged into a single course. Overlapping content between ICND1 and ICND2 is eliminated and content is rearranged for the purpose of the course flow.

This course teaches learners how to install, operate, configure, and verify a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network, including configuring a LAN switch, configuring an IP router, identifying basic security threats, understanding redundant topologies, troubleshooting common network issues, connecting to a WAN, configuring EIGRP and OSPF in both IPv4 and IPv6, understanding wide-area network technologies, and getting familiar with device management and Cisco licensing. The CCNA Bootcamp incorporates a large proportion of hands-on lab experience.

In addition to the authorized Cisco course materials, a student will receive a Cisco exam voucher.

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:
· Describe network fundamentals and build simple LANs
· Establish Internet connectivity
· Manage network device security
· Describe IPv6 basics
· Troubleshoot VLAN issues, explain how STP works, configure EtherChannel, and understand the idea behind Layer 3 redundancy
· Troubleshoot IP connectivity
· Define the characteristics, functions, and components of a WAN
· Configure and troubleshoot EIGRP in an IPv4 environment, and configure EIGRP for IPv6
· Configure, verify, and troubleshoot multi-area OSPF
· Describe SNMP, syslog and NetFlow, and manage Cisco device configurations, IOS images, and licenses
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kalender met vinkjeIedere maand starten
graduation capErkende certificaten
versimpelde landkaartDoor heel Nederland

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Deze training is vervangen door:

Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA)
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